Friday, April 30, 2010

Simple Tips for Healthy Singing

There is such a thing as healthy and unhealthy singing. Of course, I would like all children to use healthy singing techniques in order to produce a more beautiful sound without damaging their vocal cords. Here are some simple steps to ensure beautiful, healthy singing:

1. Open your mouth! You'd be amazed what a difference it makes when you open your mouth wide, allowing for better resonance.

2. Enunciate. Slightly over-exaggerate the words you are singing so the audience can hear you more clearly.

3. Stand up or sit up straight with your shoulders relaxed but back.

4. Drink plenty of water.

5. Try to warm-up before you sing. Long, slower tones going up and down work well. Use syllables such as "ooh" or "maa". I would bet that your kids know my warm-ups pretty well by now and could do them on their own.

6. Try to sing in your "head voice" as much as possible. The head voice is usually a light, clear sound. You can almost feel it "vibrating" in your head. I sometimes tell the kids to imagine that they are a whale with a spout coming out of their foreheads and to make their sound come out of that hole. Here is an interesting video about the head voice vs the chest voice (the lower, more aggressive sounding voice):

7. Use common sense. If it hurts, stop! It is always a good idea to take breaks and of course, have lingering problems checked by a doctor.

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