Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Concerts Coming Up Next Week!

Remember your child's music concert next week!

On Tuesday, May 25th grades 1-3 will be performing at the following times:

8:30-9:15: 3rd Grade
(Please look at the previous costume postings for information on what they should be wearing. They should come to the MPR already dressed at 8:20. They can drop their bags off in their classrooms first.)

9:30-10:10: 2nd Grade (There are no costumes for 2nd grade)

10:30-11:00: 1st Grade
(There are no costumes for 1st grade)

On Thursday, May 27th the choir
will perform at 7PM in the MPR

They can wear whatever they like but should look "nice" since it is a nighttime concert. I would like the kids to be there at 6:30 so we can run through some of the songs.

I look forward to seeing you there!

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